Activity Schedule

  • REAPING TIME | East Cleveland Community Archaeology Project, 2018 – Ongoing
  • ICE & FIRE | Eston Hills Rescue Archaeology Project, 2019 – Ongoing
  • MORTON CARRS | Early Prehistoric Landscape Project, Not scheduled

Summer 2020 Status

Fieldwork and group-based activities are presently on hold due to the Coronavirus COVID-19 situation and a suspension of many funding bodies such as the National Lottery Heritage Fund, where grants are being prioritised for major organisational sustainability. We do hope to be able to plan for resumption of some activities in 2021. We have been successful in obtaining grant funding for our Mesolithic Transitions project which is in research & scientific analysis mode.

You can visit the contact page to ask a question or register your interest, without commitment, in future fieldwork and activities »

Key | No volunteer activities | Outdoor fieldwork volunteers | Indoor activity volunteers | Community event (hands-on finds, talks, activities for all

REAPING TIME | East Cleveland Community Archaeology Project

Subject to ongoing funding and evaluation results

August 23-27 and into September
Fieldwork and evaluation


1. Geophysical survey of c. 30ha after crop removal .
2. Walkover survey and evaluation.
3. Field-walking c. 40ha at 50-100% surface coverage.
Fieldwork and finds processing 1. Auger core of ditch in Field 2 with a view to sediment analysis and radiocarbon dating.
2. Drone testing (Paul Docherty) and GIS 3D modelling.
3. Field-walking after crop removal.
4. Finds washing and processing.
5. Grant funding applications.
† ‡
Fieldwork and finds processing Subject to geophysical survey and field-walking results:
1. Pre-fieldwork volunteer training events.
2. Geophysical survey of remaining 20ha.
3. Test pit and open area excavations.
4. Topographic survey of scheduled (protected) Bronze Age Barrow.
5. Finds washing and processing.

Community events


1. Public presentations and finds-handling.
2. Educational events including pottery-making, flint knapping and crafts.

ICE AND FIRE | Eston Hills Rescue Archaeology Project

Subject to 2020+ funding

Fieldwork and evaluation 1. Auger sediment core of Carr Pond wetland and “Feature 90” enclosure.
2. Sediment analysis and radiocarbon dating (Durham University).
3. Recording of finds from Iron Age enclosure at Barnaby side, crop mark, test trenches 1996-7.
† ‡
Fieldwork and finds processing Subject to geophysical survey results and suitable conditions:
1. Pre-fieldwork volunteer training events
2. Test pit and open area excavations.
3. GIS 3D modelling of finds, geophysical survey results, topography.
4. Finds washing and processing.
5. Public presentations and finds-handling.